PLEASE NOTE: PCNs  cannot be discussed over the phone.

ANPR Enforcement

Automatic number plate recognition provides a comprehensive enforcement solution for your car park.

A popular approach to modern day car park management

In recent years, ANPR has become a very popular choice when deciding on the necessary management of a car park. This is mainly down to the fact that ANPR offers a lot more than just your regular enforcement as well as being non-confrontational and a safe way to manage your car park.

Around the clock data insight

Our ANPR camera offer an insight into your car park around the clock, constantly collecting data which is a valuable tool when reviewing your car park needs. The reporting software provides invaluable insight into your customers, which is of the utmost use in an organisation’s pursuit of successful and well-informed business decisions.
• Total number of vehicles in/out
• Duration on site
• Repeat visitors
• Bespoke requirements


Operates 24/7

ANPR is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, this gives you the satisfaction that your car park is protected at all times.

Real-time statistics

Clients can gain access to real-time data through their own portal. An invaluable tool to assist your decisions based on the car park.


PCN’s are issued and sent through the post, this means there are no confrontations on your site.

Increased revenue on Pay & Display

As your car park is controlled constantly, your revenue through Pay & Display will increase.