PLEASE NOTE: PCNs  cannot be discussed over the phone.

Case study:

Doncast Station Access Road

Parkit Management Ltd were approached by LNER after the incumbent supplier had failed to provide a solution to their parking problem.

LNER have recently carried out a major upgrade to Doncaster Station forecourt and access road, moving the Drop off/Pick up Point, installing a new taxi rank and incorporating 6 disabled parking bays. The parking bays and drop off point were placed alongside the access road which also incorporates a loading bay. This meant there was a need for a free-flowing system to mitigate against any congestion and traffic backing up onto Trafford Way outside the station.

Parkit Management offered a solution that would allow a 20 minute free drop off / pick up period, the ability for disabled parkers to pay for their additional stay and white list that allowed for loading and unloading for station essentials. This was all managed under the same system using ANPR and a payment meter for disabled parking, the system meant that the access road could flow freely and ensure the risk for congestion was minimal. LNER had the ability to whitelist vehicles that supplied the station and set their own grace period.

Parkit not only installed and managed the system for LNER but they assisted with the plans for the location of signs and provided the relevant signage rebranded in LNER house-style.

As the system was new to customers visiting the station, Parkit and LNER agreed on a lenient approach over the first six weeks, allowing a bedding in period for the system and giving additional time to educate the public on how the new access road worked. During this period PCN’s charges were reduced by 65% and appeals success rates were %91. This gave LNER and their customers a more successful integration without causing major disruption or negative press.

Parkit Management worked with LNER and Doncaster Council on the introduction of a new ANPR system at Doncaster Station. The new system was developed to introduce a maximum 20 minute stop over time in the drop off areas of the new station access road. This was not straight forward as the system had to distinguish between those using the station to drop off and disabled parking using the paid parking bays adjacent to the station. The installation was well managed and of high quality with Parkit Management liaising with both LNER’s contractors and the Council on the install.
Mark Whitney
LNER Estates Project Manager